
Once you have at least one plan, you can start subscribing your members. Members can only be subscribed to one plan at any one time.

How to subscribe members

Members can be subscribed to plans one at a time, or in batch.

  • Click on your profile image and then Settings > Account Settings

  • In the left admin menu choose Subscriptions. Now click the button Subscribe Member

  • In the pop up that appears, select the member from the dropdown list (if the member isn't in this list, you will need to add the member first)

  • Now select the plan dropdown to choose a plan. If there is no plan in the dropdown you'll need to create a new plan first

  • Select an expiry date from the date/time picker

  • Optionally add subscription notes

Note! When you batch upload members or add them during your own account creation process, the members is automatically added to a 60 day Free Trial plan. Once this time elapses, they will not be able to login to Memba unless you add them to a new Plan that you create.

Last updated